

THE BEATLES - Beatlemania 動画 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ3wT7XdsXA Beatlemania Gender, Race, and Class in Beatlemania It may be impossible to overstate the cultural impact of the Beatles in the 1960s. Sales of their records…

じじぃの「歴史・思想_404_2050年 世界人口大減少・少数民族が滅びる時代」

The Edge of the Bazaar: A short documentary about Uyghur rural life 動画 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59MgouO78pM&feature=emb_title Now, Uyghur script is being erased from street signs and wall murals. The ‘patriotism’ of not sp…