U.S. shifts goals on war in Ukraine amid concerns over Russia's nuclear capabilities
PBS NewsHour
U.S. shifts goals on war in Ukraine amid concerns over Russia’s nuclear capabilities
May 5, 2022 PBS NewsHour
Judy Woodruff:
Evelyn Farkas, is that the risk here that the U.S. confronts by changing the goal?
Evelyn Farkas:
Well, Russia's nuclear policy does allow for the use of nuclear weapons first against an adversary if it feels that the existence of the state is in question, that it's in jeopardy.
And I think that leaves a lot of room for subjective interpretation. And, of course, that will be Vladimir Putin's interpretation.
But I think what we cannot forget right now is that we are also a nuclear power. We have deterrence in place. Vladimir Putin does not want a nuclear war with the United States or NATO. And, for that matter, he doesn't want a conventional war with us either, because he can barely win the one he's waging right now in Ukraine.
So I don't think we should be deterred by this fear that he's going to reach for nuclear weapons. We cannot rule it out. I'm not dismissing it. But I also think that the objective that we have right now, the stakes are so high. It's nothing less - it's not just about Ukraine. It's about the international order.
And we're fighting here to stop Vladimir Putin from turning after Ukraine to Georgia and Moldova, to destroying NATO, to essentially reasserting a sphere of influence system, which is what we put to bed after the end of World War II, when we set up the United Nations and the rules-based order.
Judy Woodruff:
John Mearsheimer, I hear you saying you fear that Russia cannot be deterred, that it may - there may be a decision made by Vladimir Putin to use weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, and that - what, that the U.S. is moving inexorably toward - in that direction?
John Mearsheimer:
Well, I think it's very important to understand that, if he were to use nuclear weapons, he would use them, in all likelihood, in Western Ukraine.
And there are no NATO or American forces in Western Ukraine. So he would not be attacking us. He would be using those weapons in Ukraine. And the question is, what do we do then? And I'm not sure what we would do then. Would we use nuclear weapons? Would we then get dragged into the war?
When Professor Farkas talks about the consequences of this for the world order, I'm more worried about the consequences if we ended up getting hit with nuclear weapons. I mean, we want to remember what President Kennedy did during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was in a similar situation. What he did was, he tried to dampen the conflict. He tried to work out some sort of deal with Khrushchev, so we could both avoid getting vaporized.
What the Biden administration is doing is exactly the opposite. It's upping the ante. It's putting Putin in a position where he might very well use nuclear weapons. Again, I think this is remarkably foolish.
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2022年5月6日 NHK BS1
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