
Scientists unveil Higgs boson findings 動画 YouTube
Nobel Lecture by Shinya Yamanaka Media Player at Nobelprize.org
Zeitgeist 2012: Year In Review 動画 YouTube
重力波ブラックホールから「観測」 アインシュタインが予言 (追加) 2016年2月12日 BBCニュース
Top 10 scientific breakthroughs 2012 Science Magazine
・The Discovery of the Higgs Boson
 Exotic particles made headlines again and again in 2012, making it no surprise that the breakthrough of the year is a big physics finding: confirmation of the existence of the Higgs boson at the LHC at CERN. Hypothesized more than 40 years ago, the elusive particle completes the standard model of physics, and is arguably the key to the explanation of how other fundamental particles obtain mass. The only mystery that remains is whether its discovery marks a new dawn for particle physics or the final stretch of a field that has run its course.
・Denisovan Genome
 Scientists in Germany used a new technique to sequence the complete genome of an enigmatic group of humans called the Denisovans, based on a tiny sample teased from a finger bone some 80,000 years old found in a cave in Siberia. Nothing was known about the Denisovans other than that they were contemporaries of the Neanderthals, another "cousin" species of modern humans.
・Eggs from Stem Cells
 Japanese scientists created viable egg cells using embryonic stem cells from adult mice. The breakthrough raises the possibility that women who are unable to produce eggs naturally could have them created in a test tube from their own cells and then implanted in their body.
・Curiosity Landing
 NASA engineers landed the 3.3 ton Mars Curiosity rover on the Red Planet by using an innovative landing system that dangled the vehicle, with its wheels out, at the end of three cables. "The flawless landing reassured planners that NASA could someday land a second mission near an earlier rover to pick up samples the rover collected and return them to Earth," Science said.
・Genome Engineering
 Researchers led by Stephen Ekker, a molecular biologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, have for the first time made custom changes to parts of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) genome, using artificial enzymes to cut portions of DNA out of targeted positions in a gene sequence, and replace them with synthetic DNA.
This technology (transcription activator-like effector nucleases - TALENs) could be as effective, and even cheaper, than current gene-targeting techniques and could let researchers focus on specific roles for genes and mutations in healthy and sick people.
・Majorana Fermions
 Scientists at TU Delft’s Kavli Institute and the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM Foundation) have succeeded for the first time in detecting a Majorana particle. They confirmed the existence of Majorana fermions, particles that can act as their own antimatter and destroy themselves. Scientists believe that "qubits" made of Majorana fermions could be used to more efficiently store and process data than the bits currently used in digital computers.
 The ENCODE Project launched by the US National Human Genome Research Institute, which showed that 80 percent of the human genome is active and helps turn genes on and off. The new information could help scientists understand genetic risk factors for diseases.
・Controlling Bionics
 Scientists at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have devised a brain-machine interface that allows paralyzed humans to move a mechanical arm with their minds and perform movements in three dimensions. The experimental technology is promising for patients paralyzed by strokes and spinal injuries.
X-ray Laser Advances
 A international collaboration with scientists from Germany, Sweden and the USA with the use of X-rays from the free-electron laser Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the US National Accelerator Laboratory SLAC in California, which shines one billion times brighter than traditional synchroton sources, allowed them to determine the structure of a protein involved in the transmission of African sleeping sickness. "The advance demonstrated the potential of X-ray lasers to decipher proteins that conventional X-ray sources cannot," Science said.
・Neutrino Mixing Angle
 Researchers in China at the the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plan discovered the final unknown parameter of a model describing how sub-atomic particles known as neutrinos change as they travel at near-light speed. The results suggest that neutrino physics may someday help researchers explain why the universe contains so much matter and so little antimatter.
トップはヒッグス粒子の発見 科学10大ニュース 2012年12月21日 朝日新聞デジタル
京大、マウスの雌由来のES/iPS細胞から卵子を作り子供を産み出すことに成功 2012年10月5日 マイナビニュース<
成果は、京大 医学研究科の斎藤通紀教授、同・林克彦准教授らの研究グループによるもの。研究の詳細な内容は、米国東部時間10月4日付けで米国科学誌「Science」のオンライン速報版「Science express」に掲載された。
サイエンスZERO 「メリークリスマス! 科学のうんちくプレゼントSP」 2012年12月23日 NHK Eテレ
「子供に尊敬の眼差しで見られたい」「恋人いいところ見せたい」という皆さんに、とっておきの知的プレゼント! ヒッグス粒子、iPS細胞、ブラックホールなどなど、今年サイエンスZEROがお送りした番組に対して、視聴者の方々から寄せられた「さらなる疑問・質問」に、とことんお答えします!「iPS細胞からマンモスは復活させられるか?」「ヒッグスがひらいた、超相対性の世界とは?」「ブラックホールで光はなぜ曲がる?」「血液から幸せ度がわかるってホント?」。思わず人に話さずにはいられない、魅力的な「科学のうんちく」を、一挙に大公開です!
12/23、NHK EテレサイエンスZERO』で「メリークリスマス! 科学のうんちくプレゼントSP」を観た。
今年も、米科学誌サイエンス「2012年 科学の10大ニュース」に日本人の研究が選ばれた。