
じじぃの「くたばれトランプ・献花・BLM暴動!トランプ信者 潜入一年」

FUCK DONALD TRUMP 動画 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8S8OZ1pXi0&list=PL0k45p4y6U75JdwdzORsZGRRwfvuLWAHC the bouquets of flowers at Mr. Floyd’s memorial withered Pie for Minneapolis: A Small But Mighty Thing to Do June 5, 2020 Th…


Syukuro Manabe - 2015 Laureate of the Franklin Institute in Earth and Environmental Science 動画 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VCgLnU2-60 Three scientists have been awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics Nobel in physics: Clima…